The Cover 1 Foundation was created to "level the playing field" in our community by providing  resources and support to athletes, teams, and organizations where they are needed the most.


Featured Highlights:

Thanks to your generosity, Cover1 has donated $118,359!

By Robin duimstra 15 Oct, 2024
Cover 1 is so excited to help Mathews Football get back to action after closing in 2020. The new jerseys look sharp!
By Robin duimstra 15 Oct, 2024
Cover One is happy to support amateur boxing with trophies & medals for the Richmond Saturday Showdown tournament.
By Robin duimstra 12 Oct, 2024
Cover One is happy to support William Carter and the ASSIST program with some Gatorade nutritional products and coolers. Healthy nutrition = strength on the court!
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Building confidence and opening doors

for our youth through athletics, by supporting them with tools and resources to make a difference in Central Virginia.

The cover one foundation logo is red , white and blue.

Let's build a stronger and healthier community through athletics. 

Thanks to your generosity, Cover1 has
donated $118,359

to Central Virginia teams and athletes. 


Cover 1 Foundation is a non profit 501c3

Who we are

The Cover 1 Foundation is a non profit 501c3 whose purpose is to provide resources and volunteer assistance to underserved organizations and individuals involved in athletics in Central Virginia.

Behind the Name Our Vision

The Why

We appreciate and recognize the significant role that athletics has played in each of our lives and the doors that have been opened as a result. But we also recognize the impact that resources and opportunities can play to help an athlete reach their full potential, and that many times those resources can be limited or absent. 


We see the need to empower communities that are underserved and have limited resources.


Giving our youth the tools they need to compete on a level playing field builds their confidence and helps them reach their full potential.


When we improve the lives of the youth in our community, we in turn make our communities stronger. 

Recognition and Awards

Community Impact Award 2023
Allen and Allen Home Town Heroes
KPMG Community Impact Awards
Featured on 106.1 Sports Talk Radio with Bob Black
Richmond Times-Dispatch

Cover1 Making a

Difference Award. 

“All of these items and experiences that I've been able to provide to our team using the funds from the Cover One Making a Difference Award have had a ripple effect in the way that they talk and feel about themselves, each other, and our growing program. We are so grateful to the Cover One Foundation for giving us a chance to set our own foundation.” -Molly Garthwaite, winner of Cover1 Making a Difference Award

Cover One Scholarship Recipient

We are privileged to honor Carolina Tovar from Tucker H.S. w/ the 2022 Cover One Scholarship. Carolina was a four year starter in soccer and boasted a 4.2 GPA. She will be attending VCU in the fall with a goal of becoming a school counselor. All the best to this fine young lady!

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"My participation in athletics in Central Virginia provided me with lifelong lessons and friendships. No one should miss out on such life changing opportunities due to a lack of resources. I'm proud to support Cover One in providing these resources when needed."

- Albert Gayle, Diamond Partner

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"We cannot thank you and your organization enough for your support – it will definitely go a long way in helping us to provide sports opportunities to homeschooled students in the Richmond area."

- Scott A. Mac Adam President, Richmond Spirit Warhawks

A black and white logo for cbs news

Game over: Middle-class and poor kids are ditching youth sports

  • Youth sports in the U.S. are diverging according to income -- more middle- and lower-income students quitting athletics while participation among wealthier children is rising. 
  • The typical family with kids who play sports spends about $700 a year on fees, equipment and more, but some spend up to $35,000. 
  • More public schools are also charging "pay-to-play" fees, pricing out some families.
  • Wealthier families often spend more on kids' sports in hopes of securing college admissions for their children. (Read Article on CBS News)

Be the change



Here are answers to some common questions.

General FAQs

  • What is the purpose of Cover 1 Foundation?

    organization whose purpose is to provide financial and human resources to underserved organizations and individuals in Central Virginia involved in athletics.  Cover 1 Foundation will work with organizations and individuals via a grant process and networking in the community to identify needs. 

  • How do you provide assistance?

    Cover 1 Foundation will be funded through donations which will be distributed throughout the year.  

  • What are some examples of volunteer opportunities?

    We think the volunteer opportunities are endless to assist in sports related projects.  One current example is Cover 1 Foundation plans to fund the painting of the dugouts for a Richmond area high school baseball team.  The Cover 1 Foundation Board has extensive relationships with coaches, athletic directors and others in the community.  The goal is to build a database of volunteers to assist with various projects that benefit sports related initiatives in the Greater Richmond Area.

  • I am really excited about Cover 1 Foundation’s mission. Do you have volunteer opportunities?

    Absolutely. We are currently building a data base of volunteers to help match volunteers with opportunities in the community.  These volunteer opportunities will be for Cover 1 funded projects as well as other sports related projects in the community. (Contact Us)

Donors - Individual / Business FAQs

  • Does 100% of donated funds go to the athletes and organizations?

    Yes, we are looking to make a huge impact in Central Virginia.  We will operate the organization 100% with volunteers until the organization deems that it will need staff. 

  • Are there sponsorship levels that an individual or business can partner with Cover 1 Foundation to make an impact?

    Yes, please click here to see our sponsorship opportunities. 

  • What are some examples of how the donated money is used?
  • Do you partner with businesses to make a direct impact in their communities?

    Absolutely, our goal is to have businesses help us identify specific projects within their direct communities.

  • I am a possible donor (individual or organization) that has further questions?

    Please reach out to us when you can. We will be happy to help. (Contact us)


Individual Assistance FAQs

  • How do I find out about possible funds that could assist me with playing a sport?

    We have a grant committee that reviews requests for funds on a monthly basis?

    Please complete the attached form to apply for funds. (Coming Soon)

Coaches / Athletic Directors/Sports Organizations

  • We have needs for our middle school / high school teams. Who do I contact?
  • What are some examples of projects that Cover 1 Foundation has been involved in?

    Updating our success stories page.

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 


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